Stay tuned for 2018 Senior Scholarship Winners!!!!
Congratulations to our 2017 scholarship recipients:
Emily McCormick Aaron O'Neill
Paige Sousie Ryan Agoney
Kobe Parrow Brooke SantaMaria
Tressa Loreman Erin Butler
Brandon Snow Joe LeClair
Jimmy Carter Brinn Peck
Adelle Bourgeois Kourtney Keenan
Madison McCabe Hannah Greenley
Kendra Christian
Congratulations to the following scholarship winners for the graduation class of 2016:
Cole Baer Nate Devins
Lucas Finnegan Vanessa Garrow
Kyle Hart Alex Knapp
Joellen LaDieu Nate Manning
Noah Martineau Emily McDonald
Lucas Perez Brianna Savage
Sydney Snow Mark Whitney
Congratulations to the following scholarship winners for the graduating class of 2015:
Madison Rondeau Shelby Bourgeouis
Riley Taylor Priscilla Coats
Emily Wood Prescott Doyle
Megan Zmijewski Alexis Joy
Riley Taylor Priscilla Coats
Emily Wood Prescott Doyle
Megan Zmijewski Alexis Joy